Happy Anniversary – Blog is now One Year Old
It’s a year ago since I first started this blog, so I thought I’d take a quick look at some of the events/posts over the last year.
When I started the blog we were just about to put on a theatre show with St. John Ambulance “Stage and Screen 2005”. One year on the show is over and we are getting through the rehearsals for the next show which is to take place at the end of October this year.
and there was also a review of the Targus Presenter that was very useful, especially during rehearsals.
We then went on a holiday to the Netherlands including a visit to Amsterdam and the Anne Frank Haus.
- Holiday in the Netherlands
I also included some reviews that I’d previously posted elsewhere, including on of my favourite childhood films Battlestar Gallactica. Season 2 is now showing on sky/cable, but I’ve not been able to see that yet, I’m waiting for that to be released on DVD.
- BattleStar Gallactica (Original Series)
- BattleStar Gallactica (New Mini Series)
- BattleStar Gallactica (Season 1)
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Throughout the year I’ve blogged lots on computer and Linux related topics including:
As a result of my LPI certification and the posts I’ve done on Linux I’ve also decided to setup another website (currently under construction).
- Penguin Tutor Linux and LPI Website
- LPI Linux Certification
- Rebuilding my web server on Ubuntu Linux
In July the UK was shocked by the terrorist attacks against London, which was followed by a hoax email about the ability to make emergency calls on the London Underground.
- Making Emergency Calls on the Underground is not possible – 112 vs 999
- Anti-Terrorist actions – shoot to kill
With our baby on the way, and still in the breach position she was turned using an ECV.
She was then born as a beautiful baby girl.
We have since taken her on a couple of holidays and I’ve added details in:
- Holiday with a Baby, Center Parcs Sherwood Forest Nottingham England
- Holiday with a Baby, Keycamp holiday, Paris and Disneyland Paris
I’ve also developed some software that is running on my webservers including:
- Loginfo, Apache Log Analysis Program
- IDS – Creating a simple Intrusion Detection System using Apache mod_rewrite
- Google Sitemap and WordPress script
Keeping my websites up to date is an ongoing task, and my first steps at removing the tables and ensuring W3C compliance have been provided.
The Warwickshire St. John Ambulance website is the first to be redesigned from scratch using these techniques and my new site penguintutor.com website will also be CSS based.
I’ve also taken a bigger interest in photography after getting my first Digital SLR Camera – Nikon D50 D-SLR and have since bought a number of accessories:
- Speedlight SB-600 for Nikon D50 D-SLR Camera
- ML-L3 Remote Control and HB-33 for Nikon Digital Camera
I’ve also bought an additional lens, but haven’t had time to blog about it yet.
In my Christmas and New Year messages I mentioned some charities and how using Ebay for Charities it’s possible to raise money for the charities whilst getting rid of your junk.
Looking back over this there is a vast range of different posts, and there is a lot that’s gone on that I haven’t blogged about. There are also some more things that I plan to blog about that have already happened. Over the year I’ve published created about 170 posts which works out that I’ve managed to post a new entry more than every 3 days.
So one year on and still going strong…