First Aid – Preperation in case of an emergency
We don’t like to think that we are going to be injured or struck with an emergency medical condition, but it’s worth being prepared just in case. When thinking about being prepared for an emergency then we may think about First Aid, but we don’t necessarily think about things we can do to our home. Here are a few little hints and tips that are worth thinking about and planning just in case something happens.
Helping the Ambulance Service Find You
It’s not the first thing that may come to mind but having your house number clearly visible can help the ambulance crew to locate your house. If you consider the position of the ambulance crew trying to find your ambulance in an emergency, perhaps at night, then house numbers can really help. It could also help them to find others easier if they can see your house number. It’s something very simple that you may not think about.
What’s your address
Do all your visitors know your address off the top of their head? I certainly visit people where I would probably stumble if I had to give their address in an emergency. I may know the street name, and how to recognise the house (it’s the 3rd one along, or the one with the red door), but not necessarily give the house number. Your visitors may well be the ones that need to call the ambulance, so keep your address details handy next to the phone.
ICE – In Case of Emergency in your mobile phone
A suggestion from the ambulance service is to put a ICE (In case of Emergency) entry on your mobile phone, so that in an emergency the ambulance service know how to contact your next of kin. See:
ICE – In Case of Emergency on your mobile phone
Have a First Aid Kit Handy
You should always have a first aid kit handy. Not just in the house, but the car and even when going for a cycle ride or long walk.
You can buy first aid kits from:
First Aid Suppliers.
The First Aid Manual
The First Aid Manual is a useful reference both to read in advance and also for reference in an emergency.
For more information on the latest First Aid Manual see:
Book Review: The First Aid Manual, including the Emergency First Aid Manual
First Aid Training
I recommend everyone should attend a hands on training course to learn the life saving skill of First Aid. Courses vary in length from a few hours to a week.
Keep up to date
Keep up to date on your first aid knowledge, and revisit it regularly to keep it fresh in your mind. You can test your first aid knowledge at The First Aid Quiz Web Site.
I hope you never need to actually use any of this, but it’s far better to be prepared if you do.