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What’s your BMI?

Diet is still going well. According to my BMI I am now overweight rather than obese.

What does this mean?

BMI or Body Mass Index is a universal way of measuring weight compared to a person’s height. The advantage of measuring weight is that this gives a single target value that can be applied to anyone regardless of height (note however that a child’s BMI is different – this post applies to adults only). BMI does not work for everyone as it does not take into consideration those that have a high muscle bulk – such as athletes and certain sports players, but for most of us it is a good indication of the weight we should be hoping to achieve.

You can calculate your BMI by dividing your weight in Kg by your height in meters and then dividing it by your height in meters again.

It is however far easier to just use the NHS BMI Calculator Tool which works out the calculation for you and will also convert your weight and height from imperial (English) measurements.

The chart below provides a approximate chart of the health affects for different BMI values.


BMI Health Chart




Action required


Very Obese

Weight is seriously affecting your health. Raised risk of heart disease, stroke and premature death. You should discuss your weight with your GP or nurse.

Urgent need to lose weight. Contact your GP or nurse for guidance and help in loosing weight.




You are at a much higher risk of developing ill-health due to weight. More likely to get diabetes and increasing risk of arthritis, heart disease and some cancers. With a shorter life expectancy.

Losing weight will have a major benefit on your health. Recommend consulting GP or nurse.




Your weight is above the ideal range. Unless you are a keen athlete with increased body muscle your health will be beginning to suffer from extra stored fat.

Check your diet and make small changes to prevent more weight gain, and to help lose the extra weight.



Ideal Weight

Ideal weight for your body.

It is till important to eat a healthy diet to stay in the range and ensure body has the nutrients it needs.




A health risk and too low for optimal health

Check your diet and consult your GP or nurse for the best way to reach your ideal weight.


This is an approximate guide for adults. Interpretation of body mass index varies between people depending on their ethnic origin, if they are going through puberty or if they are particularly muscular. If you have any concerns the it is recommended that you consult professional medical advice.

The colours used on this chart are for visual separation and should not be considered an indication of the level of health risk from any particular category.

This information is provided as a representation of current advice from WHO and NHS at the time of writing, but does not constitute any medical guidance. Please see the current NHS information for further guidance.

According to the NHS website “What’s Your BMI?”:

If you are overweight.

“Even a modest weight loss will reap fantastic health benefits. Losing 5-10kg (11lb–22lb) improves back and joint pain, lowers your risk of developing diabetes, reduces breathlessness and improves your sleep quality, helping you to feel fitter and more energised throughout the day.”

“Losing 10% of your weight lowers blood pressure, improves blood sugar control and lowers total cholesterol. And don’t forget the positive outlook you’ll get when you successfully lose weight and take control of your diet and lifestyle. Just imagine if you could fit into the favourite party dress again.”

For official medical information

More Information on my diet progress

I’m tweeting my progress on my personal twitter account (@stewartwatkiss) or you can follow the @firstaidquiz tweets relating to first aid and health topics.