
Reply from my MP on new highway code draft

In an earlier post I mentioned about the new changes to the Highway Code and how they could be detrimental to cyclists. The full blog post is New Highway Code. Cyclists accused of contributory negligence even if you choose the safest route.

As a result of seeing this information I filled in the Highway Code Draft Consultation, and I also emailed my MP using the lobbying campaign form on the CTC website.

I have today received a letter from my MP Geoffrey Robinson, who says that he has raised the issue and will keep me informed of the progress.

This is only the second time I have contacted my MP. The first was to campaign against the EU Software patents directive, which went to my Euro MPs. In the case of the software patents the MPs appeared to be less supportive of my case, but software patents were voted out at the european parliment.

This time the MP certainly sounded supportive, and lets hope that the Highway Code is changed before it is issued.

I don’t think this really is an issue with the Highways Code itself, but this is a clear way of addressing the issue, whereas any other solution will invovle wrangling in the courts.

The problem really lies with the insurance companies trying to save a few pounds by claiming contributory negligence, against the feelings of both the insured and the general public, and of the courts that allow this to go on. Unfortunately changing these is a difficult if not impossible process, and therefore we need to ensure that the Highways Code is not written in such a way that it can be used against cyclists (and in fact pedestrians and other vulnerable road users).

Please do support any of the campaigns listed and try and ensure that cyclists are given the rights and compensation that they deserve as legitimate and environmentally friendly road users.