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New Superbug Research Centre for Nottingham (research into MRSA and similar)

A new Superbug Research Centre has opened at the University of Nottingham to investigate the “Superbugs” such as MRSA. It is called the Centre for Healthcare Associated Infections (CHIA).

This is to attempt to prevent the current 5,000 deaths per year from superbug infections and hopefully improve the health of patients attending hospitals for improvement.

As well as this research it’s still important to remember the basic hygiene principles that can help reduce cross infection. That includes washing your hands (or use the alcohol gel provided) before and after visiting hospital wards, and for those involved in medical care (including first aiders) to use good hand-washing and personal hygiene. I personally carry alcohol gel whenever I’m on duty as a first aider and would recommend anyone else to do the same, as it is not always easy or convenient to get access to hot water for washing your hands at some events.

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Other Potentially Controversial Links

These give both sides of the debate over who is to blame for MRSA. These do not necessarily reflect my opinions.