First AidGeneralWeb Site

New First Aid Guidelines – First Aid Quiz

The new first aid guidelines from the UK Resuscitation Council have been around for a while now. These include some significant changes to the first aid protocols, including a change in the rate and ratio of the CPR protocols.

I have not yet implemented these on my First Aid Quiz website, for a number of reasons. The main reason is that for the Quiz I prefer to use a single point of reference for the questions, which is currently the 8th Edition of the First Aid Manual. This is produced by St. John Ambulance, St. Andrew’s Ambulance and the Red Cross. I believe that the 9th Edition will be released later this year and this will then allow me to update the quiz. The volunteer organisations will not be using these protocols on either public or commercial courses for some time so those learning first aid through these organisations will still find the quiz questions relevant.

I won’t be receiving any advance copies of the First Aid Manual take some time for me to implement these changes after the new First Aid Manual is released. I will post details on my blog as this develops.

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