British Heart Foundation – Get your 30 minutes any way
The British Heart Foundation are running a new ad campaign. 30 minutes activity a day can save your life. The campaign is to encourage everyone to do at least 30 minutes of activity a day, 5 days a week. This will help keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Exercise does not need to take place in a gym, or on a sports field. The campaign encourages any kind of activity, which could be: taking the stairs; sex; gardening; swimming; playing badminton; tossing a frisbee; riding a bike; walking the dog; aqua aerobics; washing the car; vacuuming; walking to work; swimming; gardening or dancing to named but a few.
You may see some of the adverts on billboards around the country. My favourite is the Walking the Dog, Washing the Car advert.
Find out more at:
British Heart Foundation website.