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Progress on video editing with Linux Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid

Since my post Video editing on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid vs Windows Vista, I’ve now had a chance to play a bit more with the Video Editing options on Ubuntu Linux.

I have still be unable to get the community version of Cinelerra to install, but I have been able to install the one provided by Heroine Warrier.
Here’s my update to the post on the Ubuntu Forums:

Re: Unable to install Cinelerra
I have now installed Cinelerra, but I’ve had to use the Heroine Warrior version rather than the community developed version.

Having tried a few different tools I think that kdenlive is going to be the best solution for my current requirements. I installed using the builder rather than the one in the Ubuntu repositories, which was fairly straight forward. See: installing kdenlive on Ubuntu 8.10.

I’m still keeping an open mind and will be monitoring the progress of all the video editors on Linux. This is an exciting time for Video editing for Linux and I look forward to what the future brings.

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See: Post on Ubuntu Forums

Although the ffmpeg is now showing as available on kdenlive it does not read my camcorder files directly. I’ve therefore used WinFF as a front-end to ffmpeg to convert the files to DV quality AVI before importing them.

I have not been able to make any progress with getting Quicktime working on Windows Vista.

I’m hoping to edit some content soon and will post details of my creation when it’s ready.