First Aidfirstaidquiz.comWeb Site

Change in copyright rules for First Aid Quiz website

I have changed the copyright rules for the First Aid Quiz printable questions. I have relaxed the rules to make it easier for the questions to be incorporated into a commercial training session as this is something I have received enquiries about in the past.

I would like as many people to be able to access the questions as possible and so I think this is a positive step. I feel that I still need to retain elements of the copyright in particular where it relates to online distribution. One reason is that it means that I have control over the questions and when they are updated in future there will not be any out-of-date questions on other peoples site which are from my quiz. Another reason is that I have had bad experience in the past with commercial sites ripping off my content and then selling it commercially – they are therefore profiting from my efforts without providing anything back to the community.

I believe this is now a good compromise with an appropriate level of copyright to protect the availability of the quiz and making it easier to use in commercial training. Please feel free to let me know what you think either leaving feedback to this post or through my contact form.

Updated copyright rules for first aid quiz offline questions.