
Book Review: Don’t tell mum I work on the rigs – She thinks I’m a piano player in a whorehouse

Book Review:

This bestselling book is a biography of British born, Australian rig worker Paul Carter. Carter travels the world working on rigs in some of the most remote and dangerous locations, doing what must be one of the worlds most dangerous jobs (except for maybe Russian Roulette with 5 bullets).

The book comes across as a cross between a travel guide (of places to avoid), a horror story (with real life incidents) and practical jokes that are not so much pushing the boundaries of legality but are enough to get you spending considerable time in prison. The book is at times scary and serious, but is mostly just completely hilarious; even more remarkable because the stories are all true!

There are some TV and radio interviews on Paul Carter’s website, but my advice would be to ignore the interviews and just get yourself a copy of the book.

If looking for the book in your local book shop then you need to be looking in the Travel Writing section.