Updates to Quizzes on FirstAidQuiz.com and PenguinTutor.com
I’ve finally got around to fixing some of the errors in the questions featured in the First Aid Quiz and Penguin Tutor quizzes.
The errors have been found and reported by visitors to the site. When writing about 200 questions (per website) there is always going to be a few errors that get missed. Most of these were small typos or ambiguities in the question.
One thing that really annoyed when revising for my certification is when some sites had errors that didn’t get fixed even though they had been reported over a year ago. I do try and correct all the problems, but sometimes it may take a little time before I get around to it.
It’s thanks to the visitors that these have been fixed – so thanks everyone. I hope you enjoy the quizzes and other games on the sites.