Technical reviewer – Learn Raspberry Pi with Linux
I’ve reviewed a number of Linux books through my website, but this was a review of a completely different kind. During the latter half of last year I’ve been spending some of my spare time as the Technical Reviewer for a book on the Raspberry Pi.
One thing I’d like to do in the future is to write my own book. I enjoy writing and have a good grasp of the technical skills, but I’ve been trying to improve my writing skills. This was one of the reasons I first started blogging nearly 8 years ago. So when Apress approached me earlier in the year I jumped at the chance to be involved in a book as a way of understanding a little more about the steps involved in getting a book published and as another way of establishing my own “brand” (inspired by the book Career Warfare).
I can’t really take much credit for the book as I only had a tiny part compared with the work that the two authors have put in, but it is good to know that I’ve had some part into putting it together. Being a technical reviewer involved reading through each chapter, following the instructions on the Raspberry Pi and commenting on any potential issues.
I’m not going to post a review of the book, but as a quick summary the book is about learning Linux using the Raspberry Pi. It covers various Linux topics from the basics of getting started, the way Linux works and how to administer the Pi remotely. There are also some fun projects including creating your own web server and using the Raspberry Pi as a media centre.
There are other books available on the Raspberry Pi, although I’ve not seen any to actually compare.
You can buy the hardcopy book from the usual book shops, but as someone frustrated by DRM in ebooks (having multiple devices with different operating systems) if you are looking for an ebook then I suggest buying direct from the publisher where the ebook is DRM free.
Learn Raspberry Pi with Linux – from Apress
Since this book I’ve now also being the technical reviewer for second book Mastering the Raspberry Pi.