
DVD Review: Willow

This is a film I saw many years ago and when I saw it was available on DVD thought it was time to revisit it. The film was originally released in 1988.

This is a fantasy film, starring Warwick Davis [Harry Potter, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy], as Willow, one of the “little people”, who sets of with others on a quest to save the world from the evil ruler. He is joined by Val Kilmer [Top Gun, Batman Forever], as Madmardigan, an unlikely participant to aid Willow on his quest. Initially sounding like a Lord of the Rings type film, but there the similarity ends.

Whilst a good film at the time, compared against modern fantasy films this is showing it’s age. Where it really comes into it own is as a family film. Whilst there is some violence this is far less than most films and should be suitable for most children. It includes a few sword fights, but doesn’t include much in the way of detail. There is one impalement of an enemy, but no obvious blood makes it suitable for most children.

The story involves enough action to keep it interesting and has the odd bit of humour thrown in throughout the film. Whilst it may not be the first on the list of most adults, it is watchable so a good film to watch along with a child.